Easter Egg Hunt Callout/ Resource Hub


Interested in hosting an Easter Egg Bookmark hunt in your store this spring? Look no further! The Craftedvan team wants to organize this for you!

Why? One of Craftedvan's company goals is to foster community for store owners and to continue building the love for reading and paper goods! Connecting with customers in person is so special, and we want to help local shops like you cultivate that personal touch. So let's work together and make this as egg-cellent as can be!

This page will hold space for all of the details and resources you need to run this event resources available after March 20 (Don't worry, we will remind you!)

What are the details? 

  1.   This is a FREE opportunity for you! There are no hidden costs aside from printing some of the resources we will provide to you. We will send you a dozen eggs ;) (magnetic bookmarks) to hide around your shop and attract customers during the Easter long weekend. If a customer finds one, it's theirs to keep!
  2. Easter Egg Bookmark Hunt will be held the weekend of Easter (April 18-21). You pick the date that best works for your store.
  3. Craftedvan will provide you with the digital assets to promote this event on your social media (Instagram, Facebook)
  4. Tag @craftedvan leading up to and during your event so we can re-share and see how this impacts your local community

What resources will Craftedvan provide? (**COMING MARCH 20**)

  1. A dozen Easter egg magnetic bookmarks. One *GOLDEN EGG* bookmark per store which awards a $20 coupon code to your customer to redeem on our website for any Craftedvan products!
  2. Printable posters/flyers for you to promote the event in your store
  3. Printable colouring page for customers to take home
  4. Digital assets to promote this event on your social

If you're interested, please reach out to us at craftedvan@gmail.com with your shipping address or fill in your address directly on this google form.

PS. If you're a customer (and not a store owner): Keep an eye out on our social media, where we will announce all stores participating - allowing you to snatch up an Easter egg for yourself :)